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Beat the heat and cut expenses with these tips to lower your A/C costs this summer!

You need to keep your home cool in the summer months but that often means that your energy bill goes through the roof! This doesn’t have to happen each year, and there are steps that you can take that will help you save money on air conditioning and help your A/C unit run more efficiently.

Run your ceiling fan: A ceiling fan can supplement an efficient air conditioner and bring the temperature down without as much strain on your A/C unit.

Install a smart thermostat: A smart thermostat can make adjustments when you’re not home or need less cooling. You can also control and manage you A/C unit remotely to stay on top of things.

Plants shade trees and shrubs: Cooling the area around your house with trees and plants and reducing the sunlight that comes into the house means your A/C unit doesn’t have to work as hard.

Place your thermostat correctly: The placement of your thermostat is important. If you place it in a hot area, it will constantly kick on because it thinks the house is hotter than it really is. Choose a cooler location for your thermostat.

Seal off leaks: Seal off obvious air leaks around your doors and windows so your house can maintain the cool air throughout.

Check your insulation: Make sure that your insulation is up to par. A well-insulated home will maintain the cool air and your A/C unit won’t work as hard. You can also close blinds and curtains to seal in the cool air.

And most importantly, get your A/C unit serviced regularly. Precision Heating and Air Conditioning’s team of professionals can assess your cooling system and make recommendations to keep your home cool and cost efficient all summer long. Let our team of experts at Precision Heating and Air Conditioning help you make the most of your A/C unit season after season.