(281) 288-6211 info@prestige-ac.com

Heater Replacement

Can you recognize the signs that it’s time to upgrade your home heating unit before it’s too late?

Your home heating unit is something you may not think about often until there’s a problem and then it’s your number one priority. When your HVAC system isn’t running the way it should or it starts to cost you money, it’s definitely time to consider an upgrade. Here are three indicators that you might be due for a new home heating unit.

1) If you notice that your home heating and cooling system is requiring more and more maintenance and repairs, the cost-effective choice may be to upgrade. An older heating unit can underperform and be very costly to maintain.

2) If your home’s heating system is more than 12 years old it may be time to consider an upgrade. HVAC systems have a certain life span, and they may not perform well past that point. It’s also smart to take advantage of new technologies out there with an upgraded system.

3) If your energy bill seems to be skyrocketing that could be a sure sign that you need a system upgrade. Older home heating units can cause an increase in energy consumption due to small leaks, aging parts and more.

Prestige Heating & Air Conditioning are industry experts with years of experience with heating and cooling systems. We can assess your current home heating system and make the recommendation that’s right for you. The performance of your HVAC system is too important to leave to chance and Prestige Heating & Air Conditioning can help!