(281) 288-6211 info@prestige-ac.com

Your HVAC system can be your first line of defense to alleviate or prevent allergies!

Allergies can range from mildly annoying to almost debilitating and they are on the rise. More and more people each year suffer the effects of various types of allergies. Improving the quality of air in your home can really reduce allergy symptoms and also reduce the amount of allergens in your home. Here are some steps you can take to ensure the quality of the air in your home.

Make sure your HVAC system is well maintained and serviced on a regular basis. Mildew and mold lurk in dark and damp places and can collect in condensation and humidity. You can literally be blowing mold and mildew into your home if your A/C unit isn’t functioning properly.

Clean your filters regularly and replace them as needed. If a filter becomes overloaded it can blow dander, pollen, dust mites and other allergens into the air. Consider upgrading your filters to a higher rated filter that removes contaminants.

Stagnant air can lead to more allergens and pollutants not being able to escape from your home. Run your A/C unit regularly, even just a short time each day, to circulate the air and pump out the stale air and pump in the fresh air.

Prestige Heating & Air Conditioning are the experts when it comes to maintaining your HVAC system and preventing harmful allergens from entering your home. We even offer free air quality checks. We can service and maintain your current system or upgrade your system to make sure the air you and your family breathe is clean and healthy.