(281) 288-6211 info@prestige-ac.com

Your pet is a member of the household too! Your heating and cooling system needs special care when there’s a pet around!

Pets are an important part of our lives. We want to make sure they are healthy and happy. We also want to make sure that the air quality in our homes is healthy for the entire family. A pet can have an impact on your air quality and often not in a good way. It’s important to take certain factors into consideration to make sure your heating and cooling system can do its job when there’s a pet around.

Having a pet in your home means you need to change the filter on your unit more frequently. Pet hair and dander can really build up in no time. Check the filter every 30 days and consider changing it at least every 60 days. A more robust filter with a high grade to keep out dander and allergens might also be something to consider too.

Keeping the ducts clean is also important, as is maintaining clean carpets in the home. Contaminates from pets can easily become airborne and really compromise your heating and cooling system. Making sure your pet is well groomed will also cut down on these contaminants like pet hair and dander. And be certain the outside unit is protected from any damage your pet could do. Even “marking the territory” on a cooling unit can cause damage and corrosion.

Professional service and maintenance can be even more important when you have a pet. Prestige Heating & Air Conditioning is your go to expert when it comes to service, repair or new installation of your heating and cooling unit. We even offer free air quality checks and we can recommend steps to take to improve that quality overall. Let us help you optimize your heating and cooling system to keep everyone in your family happy and healthy.