(281) 288-6211 info@prestige-ac.com

While Houston might not be the coolest during the winter months, temperatures drop enough that you want a reliable source of heat at night. However, if your furnace is on the fritz, you may not have one. Here are four signs you need to repair your furnace.

First on the list are any unusual noises. If your furnace is operating at its peak capacity, then you won’t hear anything more than the gentle hum of air leaving your vents. Any other noises are an indication that your furnace needs repaired, and some noises like banging or knocking may call for emergency furnace repair.

Second, you should also not smell anything coming from your furnace. Gassy or rotten egg smells are especially problematic, as are musty or moldy smells. If you smell any of the above, you need to call an HVAC company to come to take a look right away.

Third, if your energy bills are sharply rising, this is a sign that something is off with your furnace. It could be worn out, or it could be a simple issue like replacing your thermostat. An HVAC company can inspect your furnace and help you get to the bottom of the issue.

Finally, if you notice that your furnace is short cycling (starting and stopping frequently), you need to call for help right away. Not only will this run up your energy bills, but it will wear down your furnace and shorten its lifespan.

If you notice any of these issues, give Prestige Heating & Air Conditioning a call for prompt help in Houston.