(281) 288-6211 info@prestige-ac.com

Everyone has seen their energy bill skyrocket during times of extreme heat or in the cold of winter. But how can you mitigate that and manage to stay comfortable using your HVAC system? Zoning might be the answer.

Zoning gives you the ability to heat more efficiently, and to choose not to heat or cool certain areas of your house when you don’t need to. For example, you may have guest rooms or a home office that you don’t use all of the time. Being able to choose where your heating and cooling goes in your home allows you to focus on smaller areas, which in turn can save you big on your energy bill.

Zoning does have an initial cost for installation. Depending on existing ducting, the installation may be more or less extensive, but many homeowners find zoning worth the investment. There is a big advantage to choosing zoning when you initially build your house, but it can certainly be installed later, and there are distinct advantages to doing so. Imagine being able to monitor and adjust the temperature for multiple areas of your home at the same time. You gain convenience as well as money-saving efficiency.

To find out if zoning is right for you and your home, you’ll want to have a technician take a look at your HVAC system and discuss options with you. Prestige Heating & Air Conditioning can give you a free quote—just contact us at https://prestige-ac.com/ today.